Saturday, June 23, 2012

The tiniest watermelon that ever was.

Before the heat takes over.

Misty morning.
Can you spot the Tiny One?
Trying to get things watered before it hit 100 degrees.
Brandywine heirloom maters.
Sunny is constantly following us around the farm.
From the left: peppers, sweet potatoes, and tomatoes.
Best farm cat ever.
Radishes and baby lettuce.
Onion flower.
Morning glories are taking over.

A rainy little day in June.

A girl and her birds.
She is such a good helper with farm chores. 
Bush beans underneath the row cover.  They all got eaten by bugs last year but they are looking damn good so far this year.
Hunting for the last of the strawberries.
From the left: tomatoes, squash, cukes, and beans.
Just checking on things.
A proud little farmer.
Off to find the black raspberries.  She knows where just about all the bushes are.
She never tires of these "yard berries" as we've been calling them.
Baby Praying Mantis.